Detective Conan Read Manga Main theme
The story follows an amateur detective who was transformed into a child while investigating a mysterious organization, and solves a multitude of cases while impersonating his friend’s father and other characters. A separate English adaptation of the series by Animax Asia premiered in the Philippines on January 18, 2006, under the name Detective Conan.[14][15] Because Animax were unable to obtain further TV broadcast rights, their version comprised 52 episodes. The series continued with reruns until August 7, 2006, when it was removed from the station. Meitantei Conan has also been localized in other languages such as French, German, and Italian.As of 2018, the Detective Conan anime has been broadcast in 40 countries around the world. 15-year-old amateur detective/high school student Shinichi Kudo has achieved notoriety by assisting the local police as a consultant on some of their most baffling cases. One day while at an amusement park wi...